We have a surgery date!
When: Thursday October 31st---should I dress up?? (pondering)
Where: at the place they take the f$@& Cancer out
For actual place and or location please message my daughter, brother or sister for more specifics on their facebook. Forgive me for my vagueness as this blog is completely public.
While I am not super excited about the thought of surgery, staying in a hospital and all that will follow this I am very excited about moving in the direction of removing cancer from my body and getting just that much closer to my regularly scheduled program. Which is: living my real life.
I've tried not to clench my fists and stamp my feet too much at what is happening. I can not say its easy though. In all the ranges of emotions you can possibly go through the highest on the scale for me is simply frustration. It lessens with each piece of information I get that helps me process and understand what choices to make, it lessens with each decision I actually do make and seems to almost fade away the closer I get to actual action.
Will there or could there be a set back or not great news coming up that slows this progression of good stuff that we got going on? I can't tell you and neither can anyone else with any real confidence. So I want to say out loud, again ( maybe more for me than you) that I simply have to stay present and in the moment. Lucky for me I have experience with just that very thing for many years. Except for the other day when I put toner on my eyes instead of makeup remover. Yea, not being "present" like at all. Still a monumental task given the present circumstances. And something I gladly take on.
After all my new full time job is #kickincancerinthejunk