Driving around on this gorgeous day windows down with wind in my hair blasting music seems to be just what the doctor prescribed. Old school, rock, hip hop, electronica, you name it and it was pretty much on the menu today. And while she didn't exactly say for me to do that very thing she mentioned to me that during this time it's important to manage stress levels and continue my positive attitude. So of course I picture her writing a prescription that says... listen to fun music and sing loudly along as care free as possible. Decibel levels? Mmmm not so much. Im sure she didn't mean for the eardrums to be impacted during said stress relief therapy.
The real prescription or advice she shared was to find comfortable button down the front shirts for after surgery. This is to minimize raising hands above head. She puts her hands up in the air above her head and said you don't want to do this a lot or at all. Ok got it. Sounded fairly easy. I went and looked in my closet. As I have an intense dislike to shopping this seems to be the path to least resistance. Apparently I don't favor that look much. Or at all.
So there I go off to find these shirts. Surely they exist I tell myself. A few stores later and all I can ask is Seriously, must I look like a cowgirl while convalescing from a major surgery? Button down nightgowns aren't any more appealing. Yuk I say while stamping my foot and clenching my fists by my side. Finally after passing one nightgown several times in what could only be described as a yet to be named color I yanked it and tossed it in the cart telling it (yes the nightgown) don't get comfy, you won't be staying long. This is what I'm reduced to. Muttering at my cart in the aisles while "shopping".
To get the bad taste out of my mouth and erase the memory from my mind I walked sorta ran to the shoe section and gazed at the lovelies. I even took pictures to send to a friend who would understand while I tried them on.
Hence the almost eardrums piercing music on the way home, well not quite piercing but you get the idea. I'm shaken but not stirred friends.
Sadly as I type this I come to a crushing realization that I still have to go take that nightgown (wrinkling my nose) out of the car and put it in the house. Somewhere.