Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today a friend sent me a message

It was a simple message with a few words of encouragement and wishes. It lifted me up a great deal. I'm always struck and left with the realization we will never ever know just how much tiny gestures we do can mean to another person on any given day. Just how powerful we really are. I've always used a silly phrase: I use my powers for good. Meaning that I put a best foot forward to use my words to or towards another for good. I try this everyday and then reset and then try again. How amazing to get this back to me, unexpectedly. 

Unexpectedly for reasons I have not known this person for very long. What a nice surprise to know they thought of me enough to send a simple message. Also because before I took leave to do my cancer battle with my nunchucks and high heels (as I draw in picture form in my cards I send out) I had a conversation with this person about some tough times they are having in their life as well. We all have something terrible or tough we need to face from time to time. I am so painfully aware of that fact. I guess it's how we face it is the true determining factor how you will get through each day that defines you as a person. And this amazing person spends a great deal of their day laughing and making others do the same just by being themselves. I can testify as the message they promptly sent me back had me indeed laughing out loud, very loudly. Deciding in advance how we will face tough times isn't something we can always plan out. You stumble along, tripping around, somewhat blindly like, hands out in front feeling your way while stubbing your toes on things you didn't foresee. And then finally just figure it out. Sometimes though the stuff keeps coming. In a big dump truck with that loud beep- beep sound you hear as it's backing up at your front door. You hear the truck and the song from that old show Cops starts running through your head. "Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you". This figuring out how you are going to behave part starts from the moment they hand you the shit sandwich at the shit sandwich shop. Don't go there on purpose. Ever. Their product is horrible and costly. 

As I go out in public on my little journeys these heal get better soon days I have a new set of eyes. During quick jaunts to the doctors, pharmacy/tests I view people I see out and about differently now. I sometimes wonder which of the people I come across are in crisis, you know "holding the sandwich" or pain that was covered up with a cute hat, lipgloss or in my friends case-laughter. We might never know, will we? 

So besides telling this person how very happy I was to receive their message and how very badly I wished the same they did. To a fervent degree. The wish was that I heal fast and be 100% soon. I also asked them to please take care. To do all they can to be strong in their mind as well as their body for all they must face on a daily basis. It was my wish back and sort of plea. Because I converse in Spanish more often than English with this lovely person our conversation today was in Spanish.

I finished my message with some words I'll share here. 

Cada dia tenemos que ser.......
Lleno de fe y amor
Tambien gracioso o chistosos--- hehe :)

Everyday we must be.....
Ready or clever
Full of faith and love
Also witty and funny :)

Clearly this person needs no lessons from me on that last part.

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