Thursday, October 3, 2013

All those mushy statements about how beautiful life is means so much now.....

You hear people talk about being grateful for the little things in life. Stop and smell the roses type stuff. So for me now life is right along those lines, especially today. Example: I have cancer but I am happy that ... or I dont have to ...... Kinda strange huh? While I have always been a grateful and positive person I just never knew it would apply to me in a medical sense and in the most bizarre way.

Day in the life. Day in the life folks.

The visit with the oncologist after my MRI gives good news. Relatively speaking of course and well heck I'll take it.  Basically its a green light for no chemo right now, before surgery, and to go ahead and get the show on the road. Just an ultrasound and a few visits to my breast surgeon away from getting the f%^&# cancer outta me! Who gets excited about major surgery? I do I do (raising my hand).

By the way is there a person in a 20 mile radius who has NOT seen my breasts, touched them, and or imaged them?? Lawd have mercy, surely there isn't.  

So what am I thinking now? I am just breathing my dears. And smiling. But mostly I can breathe. Talking with my oncologist takes stones off of my back. It seems each action and step I take removes another. I'm getting lighter by the day. Woohoo! :)

Still so much to know and a tough road ahead for sure. Like exact size, exactly how invasive it is, how many rounds of chemo and so on. That information comes after surgery.

Member in this world now? -- small victories. Exactly. We get happy about them and then go eat pancakes. My proverbial form of smell roses. They were delicious! Either way its celebrate and breathe. 
More news to come. Thank you again to everyone for their thoughts and prayers and for reaching out. I AM strong I AM positive. Thats a good thing. 

Some words from Dr. Wayne Dyer

  I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.

Stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you do have.